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Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen
Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen

Pre-Order GOWMOW by HYgreen


Be among the first to join the set & forget mowing revolution

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Secure the VIP Pricing for First 50 Units Only!

By making a 100% refundable deposit, you are reserving the best price available + free shipping!


Deposit Due today:


Due today: $100

View Details

First deliveries begin in May 2025. When shipping begins, you will have the option to pay the remainder and complete your order for $799.

Your Fully Refundable
$100 Reservation Gets You

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$1000 Savings

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Free Shipping

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A Free Pair of 

HYgreen Gloves

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One Extra Year for DEPOSITORS ONLY

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Safety and Rain Sensors

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What Comes With Your

Smart Robot Mower

Safety Key

Charging Station with Screws & Adapter

Charging Station Extension Cable (11yd / 10m)

Extra Cutting Blades 

GNSS Antenna Station

Radio Antenna and Battery

Ground Spike and Stakes 

Tripod and Extension Tube 

Hexagonal Wrenches (2.5 mm and 5 mm)

Paper Measuring Gauge 

User Manual

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Why choose GOMOW?

GOMOW stands out with its advanced RTK technology for unmatched precision and smart operation, ensuring efficient lawn care without the hassle of boundary wires. It's user-friendly and can be easily set up and managed through a mobile app, offering a high-quality, convenient lawn maintenance experience. The mower's solar-powered GNSS Antenna Station not only makes it eco-friendly but also reduces energy costs significantly. GOMOW combines smart technology with robust build quality, making it a superior choice for seamless and sustainable lawn care.

What are the benefits of paying a deposit now?

Paying a deposit secures the best price with Super Early Bird specials, guarantees priority shipping, and supports the product launch, ensuring you are among the first to receive our innovative product.

When will I be charged the remaining balance,
and how does the deposit affect overall pricing?

The remaining balance is due when the campaign officially launches. You will be notified in advance with payment details. The deposit will be deducted from your final bill, reducing the amount due at product release.

When can I expect to receive the product?

The product is expected to ship from May 2025. We commit to keeping you informed on any updates to the delivery schedule!

Don't Miss Out


Lock in your discount by reserving now


